
Not Everyone Gets A Trophy Third Edition

Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Bring Out the Best in Young Talent – 3rd Edition

OUT NOW – ORDER TODAY!   Learn the secrets of managing a unique and productive generation In the newly revised third edition of Not Everyone Gets a Trophy: How to Bring Out the Best in Young Talent, renowned management trainer and business advisor Bruce Tulgan reimagines how to engage with, develop, and retain millennial employees…

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The Art of Being Indispensable at Work

“In tight post-crisis workplaces, being someone dependable and skilled is going to become evermore important. Tulgan’s book is timely, relevant and appealing.”–Financial Times   What’s the secret to being indispensable in today’s workplace? In today’s high collaboration workplace, where you must deal with people up, down, sideways, and diagonal, the Go-to Person is the closest…

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It’s Okay To Be The Boss

Managing people is harder and more high-pressure today than ever before. There’s no room for downtime, waste, or inefficiency. You have to do more with less. And employees have become high maintenance. Not only are they more likely to disagree openly and push back, but they also won’t work hard for vague promises of long-term…

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The 27 Challenges Managers Face: Step-by-Step Solutions to (Nearly) All of Your Management Problems

For more than 20 years, management expert Bruce Tulgan has been asking, “What are the most difficult challenges you face when it comes to managing people?” Regardless of industry or job title, managers cite the same core issues – 27 recurring challenges: the superstar whom the manager is afraid of losing, the slacker whom the…

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Bridging the Soft Skills Gap 2nd Edition

Bridging the Soft Skills Gap: How to Teach the Missing Basics to the New Hybrid Workforce

Today’s new young workforce has so much to offer – new technical skills, new ideas, new perspective, new energy. Yet too many of them are held back, and driving the grown-ups crazy, because of their weak soft skills. Here’s what managers say: “They just don’t know how to behave professionally.” “They arrive late, leave early,…

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It’s Okay To Manage Your Boss

Wherever you work, you rely on your immediate boss for meeting your needs at work – no other relationship is as important to your career success. Yet few of us know how to get the best out of the most important person in our work lives. In It’s Okay to Manage Your Boss, Bruce Tulgan…

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Winning the Talent Wars: How to Hire and Retain the New Hybrid Workforce - Revised & Updated

Winning the Talent Wars: How to Hire and Retain the New Hybrid Workforce

A revised, updated guide to human capital management for the emerging “real new economy.”   In the post-pandemic era, talented workers will be in greater demand than supply. In-demand workers expect hybrid, flexible work and no longer seek job security from one company. This is the hallmark of the new economy—a hybrid, free-agent workforce with…

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Managing Generation X

Managing Generation X explains Generation X to its employers. It tunes in to the free-agent mindset that has swept across the entire workforce and serves as the best source of information on a generation that is leaving an indelible mark on the culture of American business. Gen Xers’ willingness to walk away from any unsatisfactory…

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FAST Feedback

Fast Feedback will transform the role of managers and dramatically improve the relationships between managers and their direct reports. Once a critical mass of your managers begin practicing FAST Feedback®, this behavior change will create a dynamic environment of ongoing results-oriented dialogue; build trust; increase productivity; accelerate turn-around time; and invigorate your corporate culture. Buy Fast Feedback on Amazon.

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Performance Under Pressure

Everyone in the workplace is under stress –including your employees. The good news is that, with training, employees can learn how to work well under pressure. This practical pocket guide for managers will teach you how to channel stress to enhance your own performance and the performance of those you manage. The book presents new and proven…

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Career Skills for the New Economy

The underlying assumption of Career Skills for the New Economy is that, in the new economy, individuals will have to be extremely good at fending for themselves if they are to survive and succeed. The most successful people will position themselves as free agents and sell their skills and abilities on the open market. Even those who work for…

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HOT Management

Overworked employees are demanding more flexibility. Understaffed employers are demanding more and better work from employees. Those with supervisory responsibility are stuck in the middle trying to negotiate these competing needs. How can managers reconcile these opposite forces? What can they do every day to get more work and better work out of each person…

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Managing Anger in the Workplace

We’ve all dealt with angry people, and we all know how it feels to be angry. Anger, however, is not necessarily a negative emotion. Anger often signals important data about relationships, resources, circumstances, or procedures that are in need of improvement. Recognize the costs and benefits of anger in your workplace, diagnose and identify sources of anger, and learn to deal with anger…

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Managing the Generation Mix

Welcome to the Generational Shift™. Schwarzkopfers are streaming out of the workplace. Baby Boomers are redefining aging and retirement. Gen Xers are the new generation of leaders, and Gen Yers are the fastest growing workforce segment. How do you become an expert leader of multi-generational teams when everyone has finally realized that job security is a…

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Recruiting the Workforce of the Future

Learn how to develop and implement hiring solutions, whether in a lean, post-downsizing organization or in the midst of a tight labor market. Employers should no longer recruit for the long term, but to get the job done today, tomorrow, and next week. The best practices outlined in this pocket guide are presented as keys and processes supplemented by worksheets…

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